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The eye in the Soviet art

Picture I

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Above the text is the drawing, what have made Stenberg brothers, and it's one of a good example of the art, what is made by people, who have been living in the controlling society, where every movement of the person is observed by secret police. This is the reason, why eye and control are in the big role of Soviet art. Soviet art is the production of the paranoia, where every person is under the control. And if the person can be arrested because he or she has the wrong hat, would that cause stress in the mind, but the fact is that the Soviet Secret police was the terrifying actor.

There were claims, that there were implanted cameras in the eye of people and the secret police would remotely control that thing. In that time, there were many rumors about the methods of the secret police. The thing was that the organization of the secret police was made for controlling other people, and when the members of that organization were in some room, there could be an official who played the "enemy of the state". And if those actions were not reported to the head of the organization, there would cause that the agent would be sent to retraining program, what could be meant the execution.

But those paintings are the thing, what we should think today more careful than ever before. The Soviet Secret police used analogical technology, and they had limitations because those equipment were so big and there was change only for one photo. And the microphones were so big, that they cannot install the tooth of that person. Modern technology is more sophisticated than the technology, what was used in the in the 1930's by the Soviet secret police.

And this might save many lives at that time. I sometimes have thought, what some Lavrenti Beria would be made with GSM telephone. Then we think about that person's mental capacity, there might be forgotten to give some killing orders when this man walked in the office. But if he could pull the telephone from the pocket and call right away, there could be many more deaths after those phone calls.

When we are thinking about the most modern technology we might think the cameras and microphones, what is communicating with the secret police's computers by using GSM- and internet connections. That kind of systems is the horrifying thing, what modern technology can do. They can record every word and sight, what the implanting person sees and hears, and that would make possible the total control of the people. And in fact, there are the EEG-controlled robots under development by Google and other actors. That means this equipment can surgically installed on the surface of the skull.

Surgical operation for that thing is not very difficult, and it makes possible to control the senses of the human to control room. And then in some dystopia scenes, the persons can take under control by using that kind of device for stimulating the brain core. But there is the possibility, that those persons, who are under the control would put the little explosive in the aorta.

Those explosives would be used immediately if the control sees the resistance of the person, who would be victimize by using this kind of thing.  That thing, what we must concern is, that the same equipment, what is meant for making our life easier, can be used to take the person under the total control. And this is the gate for very bad things like force control and totalitarianism, what means that the Soviet Secret police was the beginner in this road to the dystopia and total force control.

Picture I


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