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Hieronymus Bosch "Garden of Earthly Delights"

Hieronymus Bosch: "Garden of Early Delights"

Kimmo Huosionmaa

We have seen the animal figures, what have made by this painter. The purpose of those figures is, that they are coded figures of some person, and that means, that there were the list of the animals, what was in those paintings, what is the remarkable portrait to Medieval art, and that Dutch painter has been called the "father of surrealism", and maybe that is true, but as we see, the paintings what Hieronymus Bosch made were actually quite disturbing, and there is another thing, what is remarkable.

And that is that there is no painting about this man, and he didn't sign his work, what might mean, that he was not behind those works. Or maybe he made those paintings, but there is one very interesting detail, and that is that every single detail has been made very sharp and carefully. This makes me think, are those paintings made by using many smaller paintings as the model, and then they are collected to the single painting.

Of course in the time of Hieronymus Bosch were many things different, what they are today. And if the person was blamed as the witch, the punishment would be death. This was the fate of many artists in that time. But when we are looking at those paintings, and especially the painting, what is above the text, people have seen things, like the deep submerged ball, because the ball-shaped object would be very capable for deeply submerged missions. But there are many other things and translations for those strange images, what Hieronymus Bosch have created in this painting, what is full of infernal monsters.

And also diving bells have been noticed but in fact, the dome, where is the group of people under it might also mean that there is the closed group, what don't want to tell their business for outsiders. In real life, the dome could also isolate the people, who are standing in it, that nobody who stands outside the dome can hear what they are talking together. When I'm talking about the deep diving ball, I mean the figure, where the man and woman are closed in the glass ball, what is like the fruit, what is growing in the vegetable. But one thing what is interesting is that in those paintings, there are many things, what seems very rare for that age.

In the far right, you can see the demon, who has the Falcon's head. That figure is interesting because normally falcons were marking for power and freedom. Those animals served as the royal hunting trips, and maybe sometimes they were trained to attack the enemies. But there is a man below this demon's chair. There is the ball on his head, and there is claiming, that this part of this three piece painting is portraying the thing, what is called the PFC (Poly Fluoride Carbonate) breathing system, where the person breaths the liquid carbonate, what would involve so much oxygen, that the diver can breathe that thing like in air. When the lugs are filled with that liquid, they would not sink to cave in. But as we know there might other ways to think about this painting.


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