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Censorship is the best way to make something fascinating and interesting

Painting by Oleg Shuplyak

Kimmo Huosionmaa

Above of the text is the painting, what is painted by Oleg Shuplyak, and the name of this painting is "Okrilenisty, Freedom hope".  In the painting is the birdcage, where is trapped the bird. The message is that even the bird is closed to the cage, the voice would hear to the world. The symbolism of this picture cannot be denied, and that picture might be made to remember the existence of political prisoners of that state. But this painting might also make for warning other people about the traps.

The hunters use cage birds for tempting the other birds to location, and then the arresting would be done. Same way the political prisoners can be used for arrest their friends, and when they would come to visit this person, the police would arrest them, and claim that those people have brought the drugs to prison, what is the suitable reason for giving the judgment, and then authorities can claim, that those persons were so-called "real criminals".

At least Robert Lenkiewicz's paintings are able to see in the public places, and the picture above is painted by this man. It is painted in the mental hospital, and that tells, how nurses treated about the patients. But there is visible, what were routines in the institute. The problem was, that in those paintings are able to see the faces of the patients, who might be hysterical, and of course, that was not given good publicity for the institutes or the people, whose family members were in it.

That artist mainly painted about homeless and mentally ill persons, and some of his paintings are quite vulgar, but the censorship makes those paintings interesting. Censorship is the thing, what makes people find out, what is the problem with some books or paintings because they are denied form publicity. And the main question is, "is there something, what some very important person doesn't want others to know?". And what that thing could be? What is so terrifying thing, that somebody would want to put some other person in the jail or even execute that person because of some painting or writing?

Sometimes some manuscripts are prohibited because they were used as the part of the official propaganda, and that's why there could be the little bit embarrassing things, what could happen if some text would uncover as the plagiarism thing from some other manuscript. There are two types of censorship and the first one is that the officials would arrest that person, and put this poor man or woman to jail. And another is that the persons just would be assassinated. In fact, I suspect that many Finnish national romantic period artists were faced the assassination by the secret police of the Russian empire.

Many of our national artists have died the very young age and the first writer, who wrote in Finnish, Aleksis Kivi died by mental illness, what can be caused by Syphilis bacteria, what could inject him in purpose to kill. Those bacteria are easy to culture in laboratories, and because that bacteria is sexual illness, that would help keep the other people mouths closed, and the authorities would not need to ask difficult questions about the fate of those people.

The mental hospitals have always been places, where the uncomfortable political prisoners were closed.  This was meant to claim that those persons had mental problems, and that's why they didn't need courts. This methodology was used in the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany, where the ideological enemies of the government would send, and in those places were killed people, who had different opinions than the government and secret police had.  Keeping political prisoners told people, that system and its leaders were afraid something. And if the system would hate somebody, it would hate that person. This is why censorship makes things interesting.


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