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What is Alexandretta? (How the AI must act if it tries to find something)

Image above: The Damsel of the Sanct Grael by Dante Gabriel Rossetti (1874) (Wikipedia, Holy Grail) The image above portrays the lady. Lady keeps the Holy Gail in her hand. And there is a bird behind that lady. The bird carries some ball, and that causes an idea. That maybe the Holy Grail was two-part merchandise. The human has the cup, and then. Some unknown thing brings the activator. So, the Holy Grail requires two parts. The cup and the activator. And in stories, the Holy Grail is ineffective without that activator.   And if we think freely, that activator can be the ball, there is forming a miniature black hole when the lightning hits that thing. Or maybe the electric shock drives DNA to the person who keeps the Holy Grail in their hands. The high-power electric shock that the electric eel makes can transfer genomes from one species to another. And that makes Holy Grail interesting.  There is lots of fiction and almost fact about the Holy Grail. Somebody said that the Holy Grail w
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Minimal space is an inspiring thing.

An empty, or minimal space is a thing that can form interesting ideas. That means empty rooms and a couple of merchandise can be a very inspiring thing. 

Girl with a Pearl Earring.

This painting is created by Johannes Vermeer (1632-1675). The painting is also called "The Dutch Mona Lisa". The official tale about this painting goes like this. The model who sits in front of Vermeer was the maid of the Vermeer family. And the master himself fell in love with that girl, but his wife forced that maid to flee away because that kind of relationship is not acceptable. The story mentions that Vermeer gave that earring to that girl as a gift. And of course, that beautiful and sad story gave an innovation for the movie's plays. But the fact is that story is a myth.  But the fact is that in the most modern theories that girl didn't even have that famous earring. When we are taking a closer look at the earring. We might see that is not even the pearl. It looks like a metal ball or maybe a droplet of mercury. And then we might look at the blue bandana that the girl wears. The blue color might mean that the thoughts of that girl are from heaven because the blu

Men In Black

When we are thinking about the MIB or Men In Black we must realize that those men can work for the FBI or NSA. The fact is that those men are not probably people at all. There is a possibility that those strange creatures are some kind of remote-controlled robot.  That is looking like humans. Those creatures are well-known for their connection with UFOs. The thing that made them "real" and made some people believe that those men have some kind of telepathic powers is that they are claimed to cause some kind of paranoia, problems with balance, and headaches.  The list of those symptoms is taken from the book "The man who knew too much about UFOs. Those strange symptoms can be explained by the that those men or robots carry some kind of acoustic weapon.  That weapon can use ultra- and infrasounds. And that thing can cause very powerful symptoms.  Developers can hide the acoustic weapon inside the robot's body.  Or it can be in the gloves of the person.  Powerful ultra-

Have you seen interesting detail in this portrait of the landscape?

There seems to be a bush where is the beginning or source of the river in that image. Then we look at that thing a little bit sharper. In our eyes, the bush is turning to the head of the bird. Or sharper saying the head of the finch. And the beginning of the river is in the mouth of that bird. So when we are looking and thinking about the purpose of this image. There is one message that the artist hide in the image.  The message is that even the longest and largest rivers have the top point. There was something that made water follow the route. Even the largest rivers get their begin from the small stream. When the stream is making the deeper lane.  That thing will collect water in that lane. But there was always the first water molecule that traveled through that route. Of course, the source of the flow is hidden from the eyes. But that source still exists. It might seem like some bush, but we see the very well-known shape of that thing.  There is the final source for all water that f

The Artist in his Studio (Rembrandt Van Rijn c.1628)

This painting portraits the probably young painter working in his studio. The remarkable detail in this painting is the face of the painter. The face seems covered with a mask. And if Rembrandt didn't make that painting in the 17th century, I would swear that the painter's face is covered by using plastic or some other synthetic material. The face of the painter is black, like two bites of carbon. And that will bring the demonic or mysterious aspect in that painting.  Sometimes I have asked myself, that is it possible that the famous cartoonist Hérge has got the idea for the face of his famous cartoon character Tintin from the painter, who is acting as the model in this painting. Sometimes that character seemed a little bit scary like a "vampire". Because the skin is white and the eyes are weird. But otherwise, he seems kind.  Or maybe the painter is not a demonic character. But he is very mystic. What does he think? And the major question, that rises in my head is, d

Cognito Ergo Sum II

         . Image I Cognito Ergo Sum II Cognito Ergo Sum "I think I am," said René Descartes, and the question is does the thinking mean that person or creature exists. So when we are thinking that only aware creatures can think we must realize that there is a question what makes this Descartes quote one of the most interesting topics in history. That question is that would the creature need the ability to think that it exists? If we are thinking about things like stones they exist. We can test that thing by kicking the stone without a shoe, and that thing proves that thing exists. So does the ability to react to some kind of things like yelling by saying, "are you all right" mean that the creature understands the meaning of the words? The artificially intelligent robot can emulate feelings by looking at certain marks from the face of a human. When the volume of the speech rises very high that robot can say "please low down your noise". Or if a person seems