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Gustav Klutsits: "Fulfilled plan, Great work".

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Kimmo Huosionmaa

Latvian born artist Gustav Klutsits made this avantgarde- or propaganda poster in 1930, for 13th. anniversary of the revolution. There is a hand, what is filled with smaller hands. And the message of this poster is, that the group gives power. The message of that propagandist poster is very strong, and they are given very good ideas for many people, even if they don't like communists. The idea of the poster is that every whole is consists of individual units.

 And if the whole would want to be strong, every each individual must work for it. The idea is to demonstrate the state as an organism, what consists of the individual cells. This seems a very good idea, but the problem is, that this way to think makes possible to make the most horrific crimes, what mankind ever think. The idea of this way to think is that if the individual becomes useless for the system or composition must that individual removed immediately. And that would justify and legalize the political arresting. But there is some other thing, what we must understand.

This thing, that every single individual must work in the same way, and act in the same way with others, also makes the henchmen think that they are released from the moralistic and ethic responsibility when they are following the orders of their leaders. In this way of thinking, the structure is more important than the individual, and when an individual turns to useless that part can be removed. This would work in a short period, but when enough parts have been removed, would the whole become useless, because the parts must be replaced with other parts and making new parts costs time, and this means that the replacing some parts with other would be possible in the fast period in one case.

If there is stored spare parts in some storage,  the replacement would be very easy. The lower level of parts like screws are almost always found from the storage, but replacement of higher level of parts like gearwheels are not stored so much. And this gave an idea in the head of Joseph Stalin, that he was the most difficult part of the system to replace and all the parts of the system or machine are working for this particular part, what is like the god or master particle for other particles of the machine. The idea is that every machine must be the top piece, what has the justification to give orders for every other particle in the machine.

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